Poland Uncaged


Poland is a unique country that benefits and suffers from its location. Especially on its own political chessboard position. It is basically the connector of east and west. It creates great benefits of trade and enterprise. However, its greatest weakness that it’s a flat land hard to defend easy to conquer.

Especially when you are locked between Germany and Russia. In this paradigm defiant nation stands. But to ensure stability and prosperity, action must be taken. And ultimately it breaks down to destroying the iron cage created in Poland. Of course I’m not here with all solutions on this world.

This article wants to throw some ideas in the ether and see how the response is.

What should be done:

1.      Major economy overhaul

2.      Political change

3.      Changing diplomatically, international stance to achieve security


Poland as a country is flat-out broke. And there is no way to cover it. Expenditures are too high to budget gains. Of course cutting the social programs and excess spending is a political suicide but it’s a necessity. Simply put this country is not wealthy enough for current level of spending. Welfare and spending must be either heavily limited or outright axed. We are currently second EU country in form of inflation. There is too much money in market that it destroys the value of our currency.

The second part is the stimulus. Stimulus to grow. And it’s lowering taxes. No way the average Kowalski isn’t investing because half of his salary is consumed in endless void of taxation.

Or rather a black hole if you talk about this country. I’m not an economist but everyone with common sense can see the problems around them. Lower taxes would be enough stimulus to aid potential economic growth or recovery of budget and of course stabilize the markets.


Politically as of today Poland is a democracy of parliamentary republic. However, the political system might has run its course. I’m not provoking the ultimate eradication of democracy. I would like to see a reform rather. This country requires a leader and it would be in better place if there would be more centralized system. Frankly speaking parliamentary-cabinet system will not work simply because if without conflict or external pressure, Poles are terrible at uniting and working with each other.

There no way that it would be a stable. To form coalitions that ultimately break when the opportunity arises. It needs more of Presidential or semi-Presidential outlook. Leader as an ultimate unifier. Compared to some too soft and too alien solution. Indeed, it’s not working as intended.

Collective is not as effective in this case as an individual. With a spine with determination.


I believe that Poland current stance is more damaging compared to other alternatives. We cannot allow ourselves to be dragged into not our war. Also increasing strength from economical to military. But simply aggressive posturing is not a way to go. We should try to establish and normalize the relation between nations like Russia.

Unnecessary provoking and trying to scare them will simply not work.

Thanks for reading

Iron Slav out.


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