Poland and Russia has a long history of conflicts and bloodshed. From atrocities of Second World war to Times of Troubles in 1600.   However, there is one tendency that is alarming. Of course it could be defined like another syndrome of “Uhlan fantasy” that is another form of bravery to charge and beat the Russian or the Muscovite.

Tendency to underestimate the East and being too happy for conflict can be dated of course to current conflict. When war propaganda especially here in Poland has been blown to absurd proportions. But that would be a very ignorant take. And very shallow at that. Many especially in the west had woken up that history is happening.

My dear reader its happening even now, and even before the year of 2014.

Now I will list all reasons for this phenomenon:

1.      Polish culture especially the romantism

2.      Revenge mentality

3.       Western high


So let’s begin with the first one. I am a Pole. And I will not condemn my own culture. But the romanticism is the worst of what it can offer. I Believe you viewer know of people such as Mickiewicz. This part of culture was written of times of partition when we didn’t have a country for 123 years. And it primary goal was to create nationalistic sentiment and a sense of nation in Polish people. The problem with this that, it promotes suicidal uprisings. My main issue is that this nation only cherishes its failures. Like yesterday the Warsaw Uprising on the first of August. Yet the only uprising that actually succeeded. Had and not any events or recognition for 102 years. It was Greater Poland uprising of 1918–1919 or Wielkopolska uprising of 1918–1919. Such a shameful display.

The main issue with this is, its not a rational but emotional force that drives people towards insane ideas.


Poland was hurt by treason of its allies and Russia. But some people think that we should retaliate at all costs. Of course I’m not talking about larpers that want to aid Ukraine at all costs. Problem lies with boomers in current government. Of course from rational level. They are just using war as scapegoat for all their economic miscalculations and flat out mistakes. But it goes further. Did you know that the Poland is the most engaged country in weapons deliveries?

In the statistics of value, we might be low. Soviet weaponry is quite cheap after all.

If we talk numbers my homeland supplied: 200+ T-72m1 tanks, 30+ PT-91 tanks, more than 20 with another 18 in the way Crab Howitzers. Numerous drones, rifles and hundreds of tones Ammunition.

So if I can say something about special operation made by Vladimir Putin it did a nice work of demilitarization of Poland.


Western high it’s not something you talk about here. Western syndrome is just this drive to become western and “civilized” seen in Polish people. People who will dress themselves with American flags, buy foreign brands and make themselves more foreign to try get some recognition and appear higher.  Bear in mind this is just my observation and therefore is not a documented matter.

Especially mentioning this to older people somehow, makes them incredibly defensive about this. I personally think that it’s a pathetic trend. It reeks of being insecure and that way we will look pathetic as a nation, simple as. Not even mentioning how this country is deep love of United States. Everything from American culture to politics is popular here, and its gaining even more momentum.

We like to portray ourselves as a part of Europe and that we are essential in this continent. But if we would ask Germans or French from smaller cities or villages we could hear a very controversial answers.

As you can see viewer something is missing from this article. I mentioned war in Ukraine. But where is NATO?

NATO is not coming, what I mean is don’t count on this so hard. Last time when we were promised fast help especially from nations like UK and France It didn’t came.

My main critique is this. First we alone should be strong. Have good military forces to repel any invaders. Have an efficient state. Have prospering economy and good diplomacy. Political power that cares about average Kowalski. And after all of that comes external aid. Point is simple, if we alone can’t deal with potential Russian and last at least 72 hours. Than us being in NATO will don’t do much anyway.



I see very terrifying tendency to underestimate the East. It’s funny to me because this what poles are accusing Vladimir Putin of yet they are doing exactly the same thing. Underestimating your enemy is the fastest way to defeat. My mission its not to complain about everything in my homeland and send defeatist attitude. I want to point all flaws.  Because I love my country and I want it to improve. Thank you for reading.

-IronSlav Geopolitics


